Personal Stories

Sean O Keeffe (RIP)

Caoilte O Broin (RIP)

Father Peter McVerry on dual diagnosis

Ciaran‘s story

Mary‘s story (RIP)

Mark‘s story

Fay‘s story

(apart from Fr Mc Verry, & Caoilte O Broin, Sean O Keeffe  all names changed to protect confidentiality)

Would you like to tell your story?

Tell us about your experience of addiction and mental health problems without being publicly identified. You can be a parent, spouse, friend or someone dealing with these problems either as a caring professional or a sufferer.

We have a sympathetic journalist who will listen and write your story and check it is right with you before we publish on this website. As you can see from the stories we’ve published so far, no details which would identify you are published without your specific permission.

You can also write up your story and simply email it to us

Contact us at: